I have studied plant pathogens for more than 50 years.
As a component and regulator in forest ecosystem, plant pathogens play an important role in forest dynamics.
Considerable postharvest losses of fruit and vegetables are brought about by decay caused by fungal plant pathogens.
Plant defensins are the low molecular weight peptides, which have a broad spectrum of inhibiting the growth of plant pathogens.
Classes for this degree will include plant pathogens, plant epidemiology, diseases of vegetable and field crops, plant virology, and plant bacteriology.
In addition, research was done on the mechanisms by which Bacillus subtilis stains control plant disease and on the ecology of important plant pathogens such as Pythium.
Any of various gram-positive, rod-shaped bacteria of the genus Corynebacterium, which includes many animal and plant pathogens, such as the causative agent of diphtheria.
Study the cell-wall degrading enzymes (CWDEs) and cutinase by Botrytis cinerea and their pathogenicity to plant could make us best understanding about pathogenic mechanisms of plant pathogens.
Check with your local customs and agricultural departments. You may need to receive your trees as rooted cuttings with their roots washed of soil to minimize the risk of importing plant pathogens.
Many are found in tropical and subtropical areas of the world, where the accumulation of high concentrations of metals may afford some protection against plant-eating insects and microbial pathogens.
These pathogens can include viruses, bacteria and fungi. And humans are not the only ones at risk: all manner of other animal and plant species could be affected.
Plant pathologists have made remarkable strides in identifying the pathogens of the various diseases.
Passive plant defense comprises physical and chemical barriers that prevent entry of pathogens, such as bacteria, or render tissues unpalatable or toxic to the invader.
Phytoplasmas are cell wall-less prokaryotic pathogens causing many plant diseases with various host plants, widely geographical distribution and adverse impacts on economics and environments.
PCD is important in processes of plant development such as cell and tissue homeostasis and specialization, tissue differentiation and organ sculpting, and reactions to pathogens.
Generally the transgenes for fungal resistance are targeted towards reinforcement of plant cell walls or inhibiting the growth of fungal pathogens by producing antifungal proteins.
Plant endophytic microbes can be divided into symbiosis endophytes, beneficial endophytes and potential pathogens according to their association with the host plant.
The interactions between pathogens and their host plants, which are very common in nature plant populations, have been studied as a focus by western ecologists since 1980s.
Recent studies have shown that some pathogens can mimic the host plant ubiquitin / proteasome system components to achieve their own purposes.
The WRKY proteins are a major family of plant transcription factors implicated in the regulation of plant defense mechanisms against pathogens.
Semipersistent, or transitory, transmission is characterized by the retention of plant, pathogens for periods ranging from a few hours to 1 to 2 days.
半持久性的或暂时的传播的特点是,保存植物病原物的时间为几小时至1 - 2天。好评(1)。
Chemical pesticides are the main measures to control plant disease presently, which can make environmental pollution, pathogens drug-resistant and do harm to non-target organisms.
Bacillus subtilis is considered to be a useful rhizobacteria, which can suppress the growth of plant fungal pathogens and promote the growth of plant.
Plant defense responses against pathogens, plant-pathogen interaction model and genetic basis of plant disease resistance were summarized.
The pathogens infection induced the chitinase activity increase and the chitinase isozymes change. The high chitinase activity or specific chitinase isozymes have enhanced disease resistance of plant.
Recent advances in cloning of avirulent genes in pathogens and resistant genes in plants, together with molecular mechanism of plant disease resistance, were reviewed.
The serious plant disease problem of pepper results in yield losses, because of its susceptibility to many pathogens, including fungi, bacteria, viruses, and nematodes, et al.
The interaction involves a complex process of signal recognition and transduction, at which the signal molecules from plant fungal pathogens may be recognized as elicitors or virulence factors.
The interaction involves a complex process of signal recognition and transduction, at which the signal molecules from plant fungal pathogens may be recognized as elicitors or virulence factors.