The important point here is that the constructor form takes only one argument, so you have to enclose the object sequence within parentheses.
Figure 1 shows a constructor with two arguments of type Point and a destructor modeled for the DrawingSurface class of the sample application used here for illustration purposes.
One interesting point is the decision to return any exceptions from this method, as well as any that arise in the constructor, as IOExceptions.
In Listing 7, OpenIdLoginPage's constructor (which is the entry point for the OP in the sample application) first cracks the request.
To illustrate this point, Martin sets up an example revolving around the creation of BillingService class having the following dependencies defined by its constructor.
The key point is that the constructor's parameters are processed before any code inside the constructor is processed.
At this point, the destination of the link is invoked, which runs the constructor of the OpenIdRegistrationPage class. This class does two things.
Constructor is called automatically, when program reaches point of declaration of the variable.
It also answers your first point, that the constructor must have a return type.
Where would all the return types go if each constructor had to return something, and what would be the point of doing that if we can't do anything with whatever the constructors were to return?
Adding variables that require a constructor at a point before the instruction pointer.
Changing construction is a dynamic management process and the key point for project control is the constructor.
Note that demands should never be made in a class constructor because class constructor code is not guaranteed to execute at any particular point or in any particular context.
Note that demands should never be made in a class constructor because class constructor code is not guaranteed to execute at any particular point or in any particular context.