Larger particles get deposited in fans that point in the direction of surface winds, while smaller pieces remain suspended above.
The beginning of the presentation touches upon the company values that point in the direction of expectations but doesn't go far enough to lay those out.
And the latest batch of American economic data (such as the purchasing managers' indices) have tended to point in the direction of fairly robust growth this year.
That one would be pointing kind of to the back slightly up maybe, so like that. And now your middle finger is going to point in the direction of the normal vector.
The wind scours the sand from around the scruffy vegetation, dragging it into crescent shaped parabolic dunes that point in the direction of the prevailing westerly wind.
To stack the odds in our favor we therefore need to take into account each one of the three methodologies and hopefully find them to be congruent, meaning that they all point in the same direction.
Other data point in a similar direction: rich economies spend more than ever on research, but the number of new patents has plateaued.
Whether the idea, in and of itself, has any merit is not the point here; the objective is to demonstrate a direction that exemplifies how trust can be created between users and advertisers.
The study found that monarch butterflies have an internal sense of direction that allowed them to get from one point to another even in the absence of light by sensing the Earth's magnetic field.
The Israel-Hamas prisoner exchange, the U. S. role in Libya's civil war and the end of the U. S. military presence in Iraq all point in that direction.
Of course, you might be able to point the network team in the right direction.
The closer to the origin point, the less applicable the evolution laws are. In the opposite direction, evolutionary laws gradually dominate the progress of the evolution.
The chief architect is obviously involved in deciding the SOA vision, but should also point out the direction of SOA governance.
Those targeted proposals point out the direction of the Security Council's work in the future.
This section is not intended to be exhaustive documentation for the open source API, but rather to point you in the right direction in terms of the needed APIs.
The point I wish to make is this. The education of health professionals in Africa is moving in the right direction.
Of course, I would highly recommend you read each bullet point and then move swiftly in the opposite direction.
Through the introduction of the correct chemical at the correct point, the cell can be coaxed in the right direction.
The point with this exercise is to get a clear picture of what you've done, what direction you're headed and if what you are actually doing is in line with the goals you set out to accomplish.
Work is defined as the product of a force and the distance through which its point of application moves in the direction of the force.
When you get to the end of your route, turn around and walk in the opposite direction until you get to the starting point.
The Israel-Hamas prisoner exchange, the U.S. role in Libya's civil war and the end of the U.S. military presence in Iraq all point in that direction.
the position of the highest point P we first ask ourselves the question from equation number four: 0 when is the velocity in the y direction zero?
"All of a sudden, it would stop and go back like this," said Bryan Fains, using his finger to point out the direction of the blue light in the sky.
布赖恩·法因斯(Bryan Fains)说:“突然之间,它会停止下来,回到原状。”他用手指了一下天空中蓝光移动的方向。
Could you point me in the direction of...?
The Circlet , in turn, helps to point you in the direction of Uranus.
In a market, a pivot point, it's associated support and resistance levels, are often turning points for the direction of price movement.
In the last part, we summarize the points of view, and point out other problems and the direction of study.
In the last part, we summarize the points of view, and point out other problems and the direction of study.