Currently you cannot model a point-to-point, event-based communication and capture how events flow through a process model.
Based on the analyses of point to point millimeter wave communication system, we study and design the modulation and demodulation.
The traditional point-to-point paper-based communication ways in construction projects have caused many problems in construction process.
The QKD protocols and the available QKD system are mostly based on the point-to-point, or one-to-one network, while the real communication needs one to many, many-to-many network.
This paper presents an upper-layer communication protocol for the intelligent meter reading system based on Point-to-Point Protocol(PPP).
文章提出了一种基于点对 点协议(PPP)的智能抄表系统上层接口通信协议。
This paper presents an upper-layer communication protocol for the intelligent meter reading system based on Point-to-Point Protocol(PPP).
文章提出了一种基于点对 点协议(PPP)的智能抄表系统上层接口通信协议。