Once the regulations are final, the industry would have three years to comply by taking steps such as installing pollution control devices or changing ingredients or fuels.
Federal environmental regulations require that coal and oil-fired power plants use pollution control technology to decrease their sulfur dioxide emissions.
A port operator shall, in accordance with the laws and regulations concerning environmental protection, take effective measures to prevent and control pollution and hazards to the environment.
In order to control the coastal water pollution effectively, its characters and regulations must be mastered, based on which the coastal water environmental capacity could be calculated.
China's loose environmental regulations enable the industry to make PVC at very competitive costs, while developed countries enforce higher standards for pollution control and energy consumption.
How will the air pollution control standards and regulations shape the market in the future?
It will take costly new pollution control equipment requiring expensive maintenance to comply with these regulations.
Article 4 an unit sending the pollutant into the air must abide by relevant regulations of the State and take measures to prevent and control pollution.
Article 4 an unit sending the pollutant into the air must abide by relevant regulations of the State and take measures to prevent and control pollution.