Infections are caused by unsafe water, poor housing conditions and poor sanitation.
The survey results seem to indicate a connection between poor housing conditions and bad health.
There are many problems in big cities, such as crowded buses, traffic jams, and poor housing conditions.
In all countries, injuries caused by falls from Windows or down stairs are an important issue, particularly among very young children, and are often due to poor housing conditions.
Lack of access to safe water, poor housing, and unsanitary conditions all have a strong bearing on the health of the mother and child.
Sullivan also pointed to possible "complicating factors," such as malnutrition, poor housing or crowded conditions.
months of poor economic conditions have eroded credit-worthiness, while the housing bust has left a quarter of mortgage borrowers with negative equity.
There has been a modest development in housing conditions for the poor.
Most migrant workers live in simple rental housing in the urban fringe, "city Villages" with poor living conditions and poor social public order.
Housing prices are 14 soaring with increased demand, so many urban poor are living in 15 slums where water and sanitation facilities are inadequate, and living conditions are crowded and unhealthy.
Housing prices are 14 soaring with increased demand, so many urban poor are living in 15 slums where water and sanitation facilities are inadequate, and living conditions are crowded and unhealthy.