In 2009 Shanghai recorded 100,000 foreigners living there. A similar number have settled in the southern port of Guangzhou, drawn from Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
“River of Smoke” takes the story, and some of the first book’s characters, from Calcutta to the port-city of Canton (now called Guangzhou) on the Pearl River delta, then and now, China’s emporium.
The application of large caisson in Nansha Port Area Phase I Project of Guangzhou Port and the construction technology are introduced.
A study on the chemical speciation of lead in soil taken from Huangpu port district in Guangzhou was performed and reported in this paper.
The process of living sewage and oiliness sewage by Xiji sewage Treatment Plant of Guangzhou Port is introduced.
Because vessels of carrying palm oil arrived more recently, Guangzhou port wharfs congested for the vessels.
By the 1860s, Shanghai overtook Canton (Guangzhou) as the country's leading port, handling more than half of the nation's trade volume.
Guangzhou Harbour Engineering Design Institutee is an affiliate of CHEC Guangzhou Port Construction Company under China Harbour Engineering (Group) Company.
From Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Xiamen, Ningbo, Shanghai, a port of import and export.
Russia was far away from Guangzhou that was located in the South China and had been an important commercial port of China before 1840.
The five 35000 DWT wharves at Xinsha Port Area of Guangzhou Port adopted the cellular steel sheet pile structure for the first time in China.
By means of this method, the 3-D numerical simulation of the test area at Guangzhou Nansha Port is executed, and the results are compared with the test data.
By means of this method, the 3-D numerical simulation of the test area at Guangzhou Nansha Port is executed, and the results are compared with the test data.