Simultaneously, observers note that airline customers emerging into the post-downturn world are, more than ever, looking for greater value beyond a dollar amount.
No big economy has yet fallen back into recession after exiting its post-crisis downturn (although that risk remains given the low level of growth and how far debt reduction has to go).
Hence, if we are lucky, the current downturn will also be moderate, though likely worse than the other U.S. post-World War II recessions, including 1982.
Last year we saw a downturn unprecedented in post-war history for severity and speed.
THE recession that ended so grudgingly late last year bit more deeply into GDP than any previous post-war downturn.
America's recession could be milder than the average post-crisis downturn, but it could also be much deeper.
The performance is by far the worst nine-month stretch following a recession of any post-war downturn.
The downturn is 'much worse than I thought it would be, and ignoring market conditions today would only mean deeper cuts down the road,' Mahalo CEO Jason Calacanis wrote in a blog post Thursday.
America has suffered its deepest post-war recession and that downturn has taken a disproportionately heavy toll on jobs.
EUROPE'S emergence from its worst post-war downturn seems assured.
On a question about public perception post the financial downturn in 2008, Mr. Buffett said: "If in the U. S. something goes wrong, you either blame Wall Street, Washington or China."
On a question about public perception post the financial downturn in 2008, Mr. Buffett said: "If in the U. S. something goes wrong, you either blame Wall Street, Washington or China."