Would you like me to pour out the tea?
Father being out, mother asked me to do the honours of the house and pour out the tea.
Watering teapot — Cover the tea pot then pour boiled water over it to make the same temperature both inside and out.
On the teapot lid a small hole is cut, and in two halves of internal cavity of teapot two different tea waters or beverages are respectively held, so that one teapot can pour out two tea waters.
在壶内两半分别装有两 种不同茶水或饮料,转动壶盖,当壶盖小孔对应的那一半茶水或饮料就能倒出来。
If it is scented tea, it is not necessary to pour out into Gongdao Cup to drink. People can drink directly with tea bowl by scraping the leaves with lid.
A teapot has a big belly but a narrow spout, When dumplings are boiled in it, one can not pour them out through the spout like tea.
A teapot has a big belly but a narrow spout, When dumplings are boiled in it, one can not pour them out through the spout like tea.