Because of its emphasis on pre-orders, however, its appeal might currently be limited to bands that already have a strong, dedicated fan-base.
But when the dominant seller of e-books removes pre-order buttons and makes delivery times longer for Hachette books, that hardly squares with Mr Bezos's professed emphasis on customer service.
To enhance the performance of the filter in the digital system, the pre-emphasis filter in a digital frequency-modulating exciter which is based on FPGA is designed and realized.
Experiment with the Company, such as testing equipment. Emphasis on pre-market after-sales service, product quality strictly enforce national standards.
As a famous book in pre-Qin literature in our country, Yugong has been put much emphasis by scholars of past generations.
Pre-emphasis, Voltage Swing, Slew Rate Control.
Networks, device for pre-emphasis of higher frequencies. Right-click for de-emphasis of higher freq., compressor, or expander.
The research of digital pre-emphasis gradient waveform generator.
Emphasis is made to the methods used in the improvement of sensitivity of Tl, including matrix modification, sampling modes and pre-conc e ntration techniques.
TV pre-emphasis network in satellite communication is analysed, the circuit elements are determined according to the CCIR recommendation.
Moreover, project management procedure and task document emphasis on the phases of setting and deciding a project, design, construction, purchase and finishing and pre-running.
Continuously variable controls allow precise restitution of any pre-emphasis curve ever used.
Training program will be designed based on each client's actual requirement, especially emphasis lays on the pre-training survey, in-training feeling, post-training follow-up services.
Training program will be designed based on each client's actual requirement, especially emphasis lays on the pre-training survey, in-training feeling, post-training follow-up services.