In the last few sections, you tuned the query and improved its predicted cost.
The predicted cost of labour may be obtained from the estimators' data - the estimate for that particular project.
You can get information on the predicted cost, on whether indexes are used, on how many joins are used, and so forth.
Figure 15 shows the SQL outline view of the example credit card application on DB2, for which predicted cost information is also listed.
图15显示了DB 2上的示例信用卡应用程序的SQL大纲视图,还列示了预计的成本信息。
The World Health Organisation has predicted that meat consumption will double by 2050, and the increasing cost of animal feed is likely to rapidly inflate the price of meat before then.
The upshot was that, as the researchers predicted, generosity pays-or, rather, the cost of early selfishness is greater than the cost of trust.
As with the mark phase, the cost of sweeping dead objects back into the free memory pool can't be completely predicted.
With the cost of living increasing and inflation predicted to rise, even a small increase in pay can help your finances.
The distance from the hip joint to the ground predicted the observed energy cost of movement with 98% accuracy for a wide variety of land animals.
Because even if, say, offshore wind costs the same as natural gas by 2015 (as predicted by German utility E.ON), there is still an extra cost of building backup power for when the wind doesn't blow.
The cost of complying with its requirements, it is said, has been far higher than predicted.
" Beyond that, they also predicted that the super long neck of a dino such as Brachiosaurus would "reduce the overall cost of foraging by 80 per cent, compared with a minimally necked individual.
By simulating analysis, the optimal parameters, Numbers and type of construction machinery can be obtained, and the smallest cost and shortest period of construction projects can be predicted.
In fact, one of our large OEMs predicted that more than half the cost of their vehicle lines will be related to the electronics and software area by 2011.
Experience has also shown EJB to incur greater cost and deliver fewer benefits than were initially predicted.
With this information operators are able to compute the optimal cost supply schedule for the entire network and the predicted demand profile.
Fixing all those Bridges would, the Federal Highway Administration predicted, cost tens of billions of dollars.
Fixing all those Bridges would, the Federal Highway Administration predicted, cost tens of billions of dollars.