No one could have predicted the final outcome.
The outcome was a lot worse than the 3.4% rate that City economists had predicted.
Paul -- an octopus at the Sea Life public aquarium in Oberhausen, western Germany -- has so far correctly predicted the outcome of each of Germany's World Cup matches.
Paul the Octopus, who correctly predicted the outcome of games during this year's World Cup soccer tournament, is dead.
To be sure, mealtimes were not the only thing that predicted the outcome of the rulings.
Such surveys have previously predicted the outcome of general elections, albeit before the advent of televised debates.
Huston found that changes in the first two years of marriage often predicted the outcome of relationships.
Dr Hill had predicted this outcome, thanks to error-management-theory-the idea that when people (or, indeed, other animals) make errors of judgement, they tend to make the error that is least costly.
FEW of the international specialists who deal in Asian art could have predicted the outcome of the season's main sale at Christie's in London last November.
The hindsight bias is the tendency for decision makers to falsely believe that they would have accurately predicted the outcome of an vent once that outcome is actually know.
Since the outcome can be predicted, a logic path can be written to obtain a desired outcome.
Virtually everyone predicted that they would have a positive outcome on cardiovascular disease which is the major cause of morbidity and mortality.
Finally, the hindsight bias is the tendency for decision makers to falsely believe that they would have accurately predicted the outcome of an event once that outcome is actually known.
The original Paul faced several death threats during the World Cup, in which he correctly predicted the outcome of eight games, including Spain's World Cup Final victory.
Paul has successfully predicted the outcome of all Germany's games at World Cup 2010.
Along with using 3-dimensional TPS widely, the factor of tumor volume should be seriously considered for a new staging system, by which the treatment outcome will be more accurately and predicted.
In 80% of these cases, PET correctly predicted the outcome, compared with only 20% for CI.
In 80% of these cases, PET correctly predicted the outcome, compared with only 20% for CI.