Under preemptive scheduling, the highest priority task executes until it enters the waiting or dead states or a higher priority task comes into existence.
And we analyze three task scheduling schemes based on this task set module, which include hybrid preemptive scheduling, priority-based grouping scheduling and FCFS scheduling.
This paper introduces the architecture of on-demand data broadcast and the performance metrics, analysis the basic scheduling algorithm, preemptive scheduling and real-time scheduling algorithms.
The necessary and sufficient conditions are given for the schedulability of real time connections at each network node under preemptive earliest due date scheduling policy.
A preemptive uniform machine scheduling problem with arrival time and minimum makespan is studied in this paper.
It is difficult to satisfy the practical demand for scheduling time-triggered tasks and event-triggered tasks in embedded real-time system with cooperative or preemptive schedule separately.
It is difficult to satisfy the practical demand for scheduling time-triggered tasks and event-triggered tasks in embedded real-time system with cooperative or preemptive schedule separately.