A piece of debris has narrowly missed the International Space Station (iss), forcing its six crew members to go to their escape capsules and prepare for an emergency evacuation back to Earth.
A piece of flying debris has narrowly missed the International Space Station, forcing six members of the crew to rush to their rescue shuttle and prepare for an emergency evacuation back to Earth.
I usually work in an emergency department back home and although I have experienced the rigours of looking after patients at the roadside, nothing can prepare you for this.
He also said in hindsight, it was "probably true" that BP should have done more to prepare for such an emergency.
Prepare an easy out for plans you're anxious about, just in case — like planning a coffee date right before a class or having your friend call with an "emergency" an hour into a party.
Prepare for the worst by learning how to assemble an emergency kit for your family in the event of power outage or evacuation.
When you're under stress, your body pumps out hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline that prepare your body for an emergency.
When you're under stress, your body pumps out hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline that prepare your body for an emergency.