The fruit-vegetable crisp is a new kind of long preservable food with dehydration by low-temperature and vacuum-fry technology.
In the experiment, we explored the preservable period of the canine adrenal in low temperature without perfusion by optical microscope and electron microscope.
Requirements for hydraulic steering rack cylinder are very high, the rack cylinder should be durable, lubricants preservable and of seal. So, finish machining and parameter-set are necessary.
Where the property donated is not preservable or transportable or exceeds the actual need, the donee may sell it, and all the income therefrom shall be used for purposes as designed by donation.
Abstract: requirements for hydraulic steering rack cylinder are very high the rack cylinder should be durable lubricants preservable and of seal. So finish machining and parameter-set are necessary.
Abstract: requirements for hydraulic steering rack cylinder are very high the rack cylinder should be durable lubricants preservable and of seal. So finish machining and parameter-set are necessary.