Did you just see a blond guy with a pretentious accent?
No one has to muster up courage to enter a less pretentious antique shop.
But no one has to muster up courage to enter a less pretentious antique shop.
But no one has to muster up courage to enter a less pretentious antique shop.
I like to satirise the people who are pretentious and self-important, who think they're on a higher level than everyone else.
To this day, I still think the seven-character nickname of Master Miao sounds a little too pretentious and shows no respect for others.
We lived in a villa where the red bricks were made pretentious and vulgar with streaks of slate colour, and there seemed to be enemies everywhere.
That's a pretentious name for a dog!
There is a very small market for this kind of business and, though it might sound pretentious, I am the most experienced in this field.
Nor would I give it a pretentious postmodern title.
Unfortunately, all of your suggestions of what you write on it are bad. “In Transition” is too blatant (and too pretentious) a euphemism for unemployed.
I loved the sound of that unnecessarily pretentious, yet charming description and mused that I had became a connoisseur of something that's consumed daily by almost everyone.
When you are composing in a hurry — when you are dictating to a stenographer, for instance, or making a public speech — it is natural to fall into a pretentious, Latinized style.
A celebrity photo shoot in which the pretentious photographer wields a cheesy cell-phone camera?
In New Testament times, the Pharisees were pros at pretentious prayers. It became quite a source of pride. They were showing off, trying to impress people with their prayers.
He is a talented but pretentious writer.
I saw a tweet on my phone one night and I was like, 'God, this guy's so pretentious!'
It's often smarter to stick to grey shades, added Woodman. A grey tie can help give you a more sophisticated look without seeming pretentious, said Woodman.
You'll find preened moustaches, pretentious glasses, a range of characters and personalities.
"It's a race, and I'm gonna win," he sings-overblown and pretentious.
'Humans are nothing more than a really pretentious species of animal,' Anderson added.
RAY: Pound? Who wants to make a favorite poet out of that pretentious nut?
She looked at her lover with a pretentious pout .
Once the pretentious, found that only a little dust.
"I feel pretentious saying it, " said Broidy Eckhardt, 29, a buyer for the Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts who married last month.
现年29岁的布萝伊迪·埃克哈特是四季酒店的采购员,上个月刚结婚。 她说:“我觉得用这个词显得虚伪。”
The sight of the hotel itself is enough to crush him: it's a pretentious place with one of those huge empty lobbies in which Englishwomen sit for hours with a blank look.
The whole tone and the way that it was written is a model for us because it is not pretentious, not abstract and yet it is philosophically deep.
The whole tone and the way that it was written is a model for us because it is not pretentious, not abstract and yet it is philosophically deep.