Turn into the prevailing wind direction and continue straight and level for no less than ten (10) meters.
The northeast-southwest sandy stripes in this image betray the prevailing wind direction, which is generally from the east.
The thunderstorm days and disasters are related to the geological location, prevailing wind direction and soil background.
As far as reasonably practicable the prevailing wind direction will be considered when deciding the basis for the arrangement of facilities.
Winds are often stronger over offshore waters and on high ground. winds are less strong in areas sheltered from the prevailing wind direction.
The direction of the prevailing wind means that for most of the time the planes must fly over central London.
Radiation-emitting particles can then travel afar, depending on the speed and direction of the prevailing wind.
The prevailing wind is in South-West direction, the temperatures are very moderate reaching high levels of heat frequently around the year with low percentage of rainfall, creating arid conditions.
The wind scours the sand from around the scruffy vegetation, dragging it into crescent shaped parabolic dunes that point in the direction of the prevailing westerly wind.
The wind scours the sand from around the scruffy vegetation, dragging it into crescent shaped parabolic dunes that point in the direction of the prevailing westerly wind.