They chose these bears because they neither interact with people nor prey on animals that spend any significant amount of time near human settlements.
These animals shred the prey that fall into the pitcher, and the smaller organisms feed on the debris.
Go back in history and this was part of our survival repertoire; like most animals, we drew on our sense of smell, when visual information was scarce, to single out prey.
When the American cheetahs disappeared, their influence on the evolution of pronghorn and presumably on other prey animals stopped.
Sea snakes prey on small Marine animals, and the powerful toxins in the venom quickly immobilize the prey before it can swim off.
The lions in this area prey on deer and other wild animals.
The animals are renowned locally for bursting through the surface as they prey on seals.
A human corpse is cut into small pieces and placed on a mountaintop, exposing it to the elements and animals - especially to birds of prey.
Far from violating the laws of motion, animals exploit them to their advantage as they walk, run, dodge and jink, leap and fly, pounce on prey or spring to safety.
About 30 percent of that estimate would go toward programs to suppress the poaching of tigers and of the animals they prey on.
Go back in history and this was part of our survival repertoirel like most animals, we drew on our sense of smell, when visual information was scarce, to single out prey.
Wolves are intelligent and social. Their primary prey are deer, moose, and caribou, though they feed on many smaller animals As well.
After 1910 hunters shot and wounded a substantial number of wolves, thereby greatly diminishing these wolves' ability to prey on wild animals.
After 1910 hunters shot and wounded a substantial number of wolves, thereby greatly diminishing these wolves' ability to prey on wild animals.