The morning I visited a pristine area that enjoyed beautiful fall colors and a snowstorm at the same time.
The company soon declared the once-pristine area largely healed, even as its creatures continued to die.
They are figuring out the solutions which can protect both the safety of the tourists and the pristine area of the Wunshan Hot Spring.
Of course, after the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, this is not the most propitious climate for deepwater drilling, particularly in an area routinely described as pristine.
Such farming won't make the bay pristine again, but the researchers say the oysters are effective at cleaning the area where they're grown.
The area also boasts a lush, mountainous countryside, hot springs, an offshore volcanic island, coral reefs and miles of pristine beaches.
The area also boasts a lush, mountainous countryside, hot springs, an offshore volcanic island, coral reefs and miles of pristine beaches.
The area also boasts a lush, mountainous countryside, hot springs, an offshore volcanic island, coral reefs and miles of pristine beaches.