To prevent and treat financial crises involves a timely and effective handling of problem financial institutions, conservatorship being one of the main alternatives internationally.
We have provided significant and comprehensive support to our banking systems to provide liquidity, recapitalise financial institutions, and address decisively the problem of impaired assets.
The problem is, banks and other nonbank financial institutions sitting on yuan still are limited in what they can do to make a product interesting enough to attract investors.
But when fighting the ever-growing identity theft problem, technology gives financial institutions an edge.
The problem with finance is that it's a beautiful -financial institutions are beautiful structures but they only are as good as the people who use them.
The governor of New York state, David Paterson, said a lack of transparency by institutions was at the root of the problem: "The idea of financial innovation has come back to bite us."
The main problem facing the small and medium financial institutions are still lowering the rate of non-performing loans and promoting asset quality.
The real problem is that west governments continue to insist that they retain control of the key global economic and financial institutions while drifting always from global liberalization.
It is an important problem that the economic entities (especially financial institutions), investors and consumers are facing in modern society.
Kuwait and other Gulf states, with massive oil savings, have plenty of financial firepower to throw at institutions if more problem trading emerges.
As a useful supplement to formal financial institutions, small-loan companies solve the "financial vacuum" of rural areas and the problem of inadequate rural financial services to a certain extent.
The European Central Bank is struggling to limit the fallout from Greece's debt crisis on European financial institutions as it confronts a fresh problem closer to home: its own balance sheet.
洲中央银行(EuropeanCentral Bank)正在努力限制希腊债务危机对欧洲金融机构造成的影响。此时它还面临着一个更加关乎自身的新问题:自己的资产负债表。
China's rural financial market has serious problem of information asymmetry, which farmers lack collateral, so it is difficult to obtain loans from formal financial institutions.
There are two puzzles in rural finance. One is that farmers are difficult to get enough credit from the financial institutions, and the other is agricultural insurance problem.
There are two puzzles in rural finance. One is that farmers are difficult to get enough credit from the financial institutions, and the other is agricultural insurance problem.