'Rapidly create system of compressor technical process drawing' is finished to meet the need of generalization.
Pattern inspection: the pattern inspector should examine the pattern as per casting process drawing after pattern completion.
The parts of 3D vane pump based on automatic generation of process drawing under CAD/CAPP integrated environment is introduced.
The administration is in the process of drawing up a peace plan.
Drawing tools alone cannot express a business process.
Master creations in the arts (writing, drawing, music, dance, even software programming) are the result of someone's love of the process of creation.
Otherwise, the new drawing will be rendered on top of the older drawing, which will eventually slow down the process because of redrawing over the top of each other.
In the To-Be version of the process (Figure 44), we replace the drawing tool and document processor with Modeler.
For this reason, other than documentation, a drawing tool does nothing to aid in the redesign of a business process.
Are we not, therefore, in the process of creating a new elite, of drawing a new line to divide the world between those who have access to communication and knowledge, and those who are left out?
Facebook’s original users, college students, have graduated but still use the site, drawing in their peers in the process: the average Facebook user is now over 30 and a member of the workforce.
On the way out, these gases drive a turbine which is connected to the fan via a shaft, thus drawing in more air and keeping the process going.
The As-Is version of the process USES a drawing tool to document the process, rather than beginning with a model.
In a drawing tool, when you refer to a different process you have to describe it in words, as Figure 11 shows.
Instead of drawing a cycle, they add a decision and place repeated activities multiple times in the process model.
I spent 1 year from November 2004 drawing a page a day, then in July 2007 I repeated the process for another 365 days.
Drawing process for shaping the brake drum oil shield of truck CA151 has been deliberated.
This constructive drawing process teaches you to draw convincing human bodies without the need for tracing or using reference.
True color display device can simulate a palette by mapping all color during the drawing process.
Finished top of their group with three matches to spare but the process was not as imperious as some would have liked, taking only one point off Bolivia and drawing 0-0 four times.
提前三场获得小组头名,但过程并非如某些人所愿般的顺风顺水,仅从玻利维亚身上取走一分,还有4场0 - 0的平局。
Measures for avoiding wrinkle has been considered after analysing the stress and strain of metal during drawing process.
The paper introduces CAD system of steel tube cold drawing process which is a software with optimum function developed by Iron & steel General Institute on basis of computer imitation technology.
If the depth is one or more times the diameter, the process is called deep drawing.
PERT has an important process that is drawing network pictures.
The drawing difficulty is settled by adopting small draught and multi-pass drawing process, reducing the thickness of Zn-Fe alloy and using artificial aging process actively.
To accelerate the review process of the drawing to be reviewed submitted by design institute.
To accelerate the review process of the drawing to be reviewed submitted by design institute.