Based on its value, the process orchestration controls the process flow.
This will be driven by the value of the status field used in the process orchestration.
Business process orchestration logic and execution of line of business rules are out of scope for data services since they inhibit reuse.
Business process Services: This component represents the enterprise-wide business process platform for workflow and business process orchestration.
Copying: Exchanging a service model between a service modeling tool and a process modeling tool in order to leverage that service model for process orchestration.
Part 1 explained that long and short running processes are executed in the business process layer of the architecture, potentially by a business process orchestration engine.
BPM provides flexibility in process orchestration; SOA provides business services through standard interfaces; and Web 2.0 provides a standard platform for communication.
BPM为流程编排提供灵活性;SOA通过标准接口提供业务服务;而Web 2.0为通信提供标准平台。
Orchestration is an executable process, where choreography is used to specify multi-party collaboration protocols.
One should look at the organization and see whether they adopt any business process layer and runtime engine for orchestration of their business services / application functions.
This allows the process engine to act as an orchestration engine between the different services that are accessible through the service bus.
So, conceptually, a DSL solution includes two logical tiers: a data services orchestration tier that supports the referred to system process and a data integration tier.
Typically seen in BPM tools that model process as an orchestration of services.
The current idea that one process language would be able to cover all forms of BPM, workflow and orchestration is just too ambitious.
Basically I think the point is that choreography, orchestration, co-ordination, process management and all the other words are very badly defined.
In cases where the implementation of a service interface consists of an orchestration of other services, this service should be implemented as a business process using the BPEL language.
In orchestration, a central process takes control over the involved web services and coordinates the execution of different operations on the web services involved in the operation.
The second layer is implemented using AspectJ and provides for orchestration and flow control of the process.
On the other hand, if MyService is more complex, it may need to be described as a business process, an orchestration of multiple services.
另一方面,如果MyService 比较复杂,那么可能需要将其描述为一个业务流程或多个服务的编排。
Business process management. The orchestration of the interactions between the people, applications, and technologies that comprise a business process and in concert create customer value.
Service orchestration refers to an executable business process that may interact with both internal and external services.
The MDM Institute:Data Governance (DG) – The formal orchestration of people, process, and technology to enable an organization to leverage data as an enterprise asset.
At last, the author take case with a process, which utilized business orchestration, business Rules, Human Tasks, and so on.
At last, the author take case with a process, which utilized business orchestration, business Rules, Human Tasks, and so on.