The General procurement Notice shall be updated annually for all outstanding procurement.
Furthermore, it is also required to broaden the scope of procurement notice, and adopt negotiation proceeding in tendering procedures.
For projects which include procurement on the basis of ICB, the Borrower is required to prepare and submit to the Bank a draft General procurement Notice.
The procurement department shall initiate the Receipt Notice (RN, Exhibit 0702-2) and deliver the RN with vendor supplied documents to the QC Inspector for receiving inspection.
采购部应发出收货通知(RN,附件0702-2) ,并应将该收货通知随附供应商文件一并提交给质量控制检验员(QC),由其进行来料检验。
The existence of such conditions shall be notified to the Committee and included in the notice of intended procurement and other documentation.
The budget and the estimated value of a procurement may be disclosed in the tender notice.
The budget and the estimated value of a procurement may be disclosed in the tender notice.