In this particular program, doing buffer handling in this way does not affect the execution time significantly, and in some data sets, affects it negatively.
However, the JIT compiler must also carefully balance the time it takes to compile a program because that time adds to the program's execution time.
Because compilation happens at the same time as program execution, the time it takes to compile the code is added to the program's running time.
The at program allows users to schedule jobs for execution at a later time. For instance, a cheap way to get a pop-up reminder to dial into a meeting at 2 p.m. would be.
If the program must wait for a resource, such as an I/O completion, specify a maximum wait time, and then fail or requeue the task for execution at a later time.
If you're only working with a few documents per execution of your program, this startup time is going to be a more significant factor than the best case times shown earlier.
Early main-frame system administrators had the job of taking program execution requests, assigning them a priority, and giving them a time frame to run.
早期,大型机的管理员,要做这样一些工作- - - - -接收程序执行的请求,给程序分配相应的优先级,然后,分给程序一个运行的时间段。
This two-part article addresses only program-execution time. It doesn't consider other important execution characteristics, such as memory usage.
Dynamic translation is desirable in that case because it can spread the overhead of the translation over time, thus reducing pauses in the program execution.
After jucprofiler finishes running your program, a trace file named "BCIAgent.***.bci.trace" will be generated, where "***" is a unique time stamp for this execution.
The experimental results shows that this model not only shorten the execution time of word segmentation program effectively, but also improve the grid resources utilization.
Our low cost program, Preparation period is short, Fast execution time, But also not afraid of hurricanes.
Execution always begins at the first statement of the program. Statements are run one at a time, in order from top to bottom.
Running record version program will record the logical order of inter-thread events 'execution at the same time of the original program's running.
How do I time execution duration of a program or script from the command line?
The experiment proves that the improved method makes the time of program execution shorter significantly and the efficiency higher observably when solve large scale TSP.
In the multiprocessor systems, an efficient scheduling of a parallel program onto the processors that minimizes the entire execution time is vital.
Most software module programs are compiled with the language C, and the execution time of the program is debugged and the real-time performance compared as well.
You can break execution at any time to examine values, modify variables, and otherwise examine the state of your program.
Program verification techniques are code-oriented, but most of them are not capable of describing the property of execution time of practical programs.
Program verification techniques are code-oriented, but most of them are not capable of describing the property of execution time of practical programs.