Now the company is turning to other methods, including pleading its case in Washington, and possibly a lawsuit that would attempt to enforce buy-American provisions and past promises.
An admission of failure and a pledge to restore past promises is urgently needed.
To avoid disenchantment, India will need to work extra hard to get support from investors at home and abroad, and to deliver on past promises.
Promises to cut business regulations are good but in the past they have seldom been met.
Each day, you're doing a little more, producing a little more, learning a little more.The accomplishments of days past propel you forward and the promises of the days ahead pull you along.
Past promises remain a heavy burden.
In the past, they have been brought on board [climate negotiations] by promises of financial support.
Palmer promises Keith that, although he hasn’t been a good father in the past, he will be there for him in the future.
It's true that past promises are no guarantee of future performance.
Lithuanians, with unhappy memories of past Polonisation, have never delivered on repeated promises to sort out an arcane dispute about spelling.
This past weekend, there has been a conference in Qatar called to ensure rich countries live up to the promises they made three years ago.
Sincere friendship, will not diluted by cut off time. Past promises, also won't change for a long time.
The 35-year-old has been giving a series of revealing interviews over the past few weeks and now she is slated to appear on Nightline on Monday night and a teaser already promises plenty of dish.
We need a new understanding of how to deal with past hurts, one that acknowledges the damage to the human spirit while charting a path toward the abundant life God promises.
But a new piece of technology promises to make these problems a thing of the past.
Shattered all over the sky star, tear past promises.
Over the past 4 years China has honored most of the promises it made when joining the WTO, and the fulfillment of some commitments was even ahead of schedule.
年来,中国加 入世贸绝大多数承诺都已兑现,部分承诺的兑现甚至走在规定的时间表之 前。
The past several years have witnessed a phenomenon that a variety of promises have been arising from all walks of life.
The past several years have witnessed a phenomenon that a variety of promises have been arising from all walks of life.