The performance of transport layer protocol is a key issue because of its middle status in IP protocol stacks.
Multicasting is a function of the IP network protocol, with the help of special multicast routers and protocol stacks.
Creation and initialization of platform and third-party resources, such as network sockets or telecommunication protocol stacks.
At the same time, the correlative protocol stacks involved in the subject is discussed amply, such as SIP and H. 248 protocol stacks.
同时还详细讨论了本课题所涉及的相关的协议栈,即H . 248协议栈、SIP协议栈。
The benefit of developing the protocol stacks based on the JMX is that one protocol based on JMX can access and manage another protocol based on JMX.
Zero-copy versions of network protocol stacks greatly increase the performance of certain application programs and more efficiently utilize system resources.
This paper detailed introduces some concrete methods in allusion to different instance in transition period, including dual protocol stacks, tunneling technology and protocol translation.
This paper detailed introduces some concrete methods in allusion to different instance in transition period, including dual protocol stacks, tunneling technology and protocol translation.