It is an important function of college library providing information service for users.
Methods: According to source type of primary medical topic selection, medical information centre providing information service during novelty search.
It is necessary for college and university libraries to expand personalized service functions when providing information service for teaching and research.
For the purposes of these Measures, the term "Internet information services" means the service activity of providing information services through the Internet to online subscribers.
In this situation, a voice response unit can reduce the cost of customer service by providing information and simpler or more common transactions.
Submit an XML request to the service providing information.
The typical approach for providing service references is to provide this information when the business process is installed (or deployed) in the form of a deployment descriptor.
This model consists of an information model for the services, service data, specifications of the provided and required interfaces, and components providing the required services.
The attacker then calls a customer service representative at the site, posing as the shopper and providing personal information.
Companies can communicate better and faster with their customers in providing service and information.
In this section, we'll show you step-by-step how to build the architecture shown in Figure 1, transforming an enterprise from custom access to information, to providing information as a service.
Eliminate the need for the application to understand complex PKI syntax and semantics by providing a simple XML-based protocol for processing key information through the XKMS service.
提供一种基于XML的简单协议,以便通过XKMS服务处理密钥信息,使应用程序不必理解复杂的PK i语法和语义。
Providing detailed information on assembling and deploying service assets using the above mentioned products is beyond the scope of this article.
Static HTML pages providing service information rapidly become out of date.
DNS is a distributed service, in that more than one server is capable of responding to a given query, providing it knows who to ask for the information.
The service is designed to make managing content on the phone easier, while also providing a back-up of information in case people ever lose or buy a new phone.
Sells Manager: Selling with good awareness of service and selling skills tocomplete the sells task, and meanwhile providing the correct marketand selling information and situation.
Amadeus told the creator of MyFlightsApp to close the service in November 2009 after it emerged the app was scraping Amadeus data when providing travel information to users.
But if the Web service itself is providing access to sensitive information, then the Web service provider needs to authenticate each client, too.
Making services discoverable by providing complete human and machine-readable specifications published to a service registry (see the following parts of this series for more information).
The Self-Service Package Wizard helps business users by providing direct access to their information in SAP BW by enabling them to create their own IBM Cognos packages based on the SAP BW source.
通过使他们能够创建其自己的基于SAPBW 源的Cognos包,Self-ServicePackageWizard 会通过对 SAP BW 中的数据提供直接访问来帮助业务用户。
Often firms try to reduce buyers' doubts through advertising or providing follow-up information or service.
Brokers are agents who coordinate shippers and carriers by providing timely information about rates, routes and service capabilities.
Providing the quality literature information environment is the key of guaranteeing the quality of information service.
Introducing the latest overseas and domestic wedding styles and providing the most comprehensive information and service.
Selling with good awareness of service and selling skills to complete the sells task, and meanwhile providing the correct market and selling information and situation.
The information produced by a management accounting system can include the expenses incurred in operating a department or the cost of providing a product, service, or activity.
We collect your information for the purpose of providing you with services and improving the service quality. Therefore, we will use your information for the following purposes.
We collect your information for the purpose of providing you with services and improving the service quality. Therefore, we will use your information for the following purposes.