A team from the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN) and WHO is supporting the Epidemiology Unit of the Ministry of Health by providing additional human resources and technical support.
Honeywell Providing fly-by-wire flight control system, inertial reference and air data systems, auxiliary power unit, wheels and brakes.
Convenience of providing access to a particular organizational unit or a group within that organizational unit.
In this situation, a voice response unit can reduce the cost of customer service by providing information and simpler or more common transactions.
Furthermore, well-written application classes can easily be unit tested by providing stub implementations of the injected objects, improving test coverage and code quality.
The runclient.sh script can also be used to run the sample against a remote grid by providing the hostname and port to the processing unit grid's catalog service as a single parameter.
GWT has the upper hand in terms of unit testing, though, providing JUnit integration for client-side code.
The Monitor Business development toolkit (hereafter called Monitor toolkit) enhances the development experience by providing editing, code generation, and unit test capability.
To stop the "black case work", the unit joining into the construction signed the Lifelong Quality and Safety Contract with the water-providing engineering headquarters.
Providing the measurement unit, we recommend some good reports of application of methodology, such as consumption structure analysis, trend prediction analysis and storage application analysis etc.
The standard battery is a 6-cell unit and an optional 8-cell battery is available providing 6:46 hours of run time with WLED display option.
Supervisors in this unit group supervise and co-ordinate the activities of workers engaged in drilling for oil or gas, operating service rigs, or providing oil and gas well services.
Marginal opportunity cost — the additional cost of providing the last unit of good as measured by what is given up.
To stop the "black case work", the unit joining into the construction signed the Lifelong Quality and Safety Contract with the water-providing engineering headquarters.
An SCS service, integrating a scientific computing program with its hosting environment (computational node), is a basic unit capable of providing scientific computing service.
Supervisors in this unit group supervise and co-ordinate the activities of workers engaged in drilling for oil or gas, operating service rigs, or providing oil and gas well services.
The star sensor is a measuring unit used for providing information to the attitude control system on spacecraft .
By making use of the internal functions of DCS, the transformation of the conventional startup mode is completed, providing assurance for the stable operation of the large chemical fertilizer unit.
The unit has been used in the construction of the Central Bridge in Haikou for providing related information of security of the measured objects.
C. R. Club is unit certified by the Chinese Mountaineering Association. SOS international relief organizations by providing security. See the annex photos.
Furthermore the invention relates to a method of providing a bed with a sensor unit for a patient.
The spray pump unit (100) also has an air source (180) for providing power to the pump and air to deliver the texture material from the gun.
Providing loaner unit of infusion pump , physiologic monitor , pulse oximeter etc for urgent use by hospitals.
Providing loaner unit of infusion pump , physiologic monitor , pulse oximeter etc for urgent use by hospitals.