The Swing framework makes extensive use of the Observer pattern (also known as the publish-subscribe pattern) in the form of event listeners.
Message exchange pattern: data services could be accessed via the four primary message exchange patterns - request/reply (tight SLA), request/reply (relaxed SLA), fire/forget, and publish/subscribe.
消息交换模式:数据服务可以通过四种主要的消息交换模式被访问:请求-应答(严格SLA)、请求-应答(宽松SLA ),即发即弃和发布-订阅。
One solution is to implement the publish/subscribe interaction pattern with WebSphere ESB.
What if, in the point-to-point interaction pattern between the requester and publisher mediation, the requester already uses a publish/subscribe interaction pattern, as shown in Figure 2?
在请求者和发布者中介之间的点到点交互模式中,如果请求者已经使用发布/订阅交互模式(如图 2 所示),该如何呢?
This pattern, also known as Publish-Subscribe, allows an object to subscribe to events that occur in a target object, and to be notified when such events occur.
The publish/subscribe message pattern to provide one-to-many message distribution and decoupling of applications
The Publish-Subscribe design pattern taught us how to manage events without broadcasting them.
发布-订阅(Publish - Subscribe)设计模式指导我们如何在不广播事件的情况下管理它们。
This low-level pattern is implemented within the Mashup Browser Runtime component to allow widgets to publish and subscribe to events to provide linkage between widgets.
这个低级模式是在MashupBrowserRuntime组件中实现的,它使widget 可以发布和订阅事件,以提供 widget之间的链接。
This style is similar to the Observer pattern in that it promotes a publish-subscribe way of working.
New in Version 6.1, WS-Notification defines a standardized way for Web services to interact using the notification (or publish/subscribe) pattern.
作为Version 6.1中的新特性,WS-Notification为Web服务使用通知(或发布/订阅)模式进行交互定义了标准化方法。
Events follow the Observer or Publish-Subscribe design pattern; they are used when a state change in one object must be communicated to other objects.
Events follow the Observer or Publish-Subscribe design pattern; they are used when a state change in one object must be communicated to other objects.