In Flash Pro CS5.5, there is this option in Publish Settings.
FlashPro CS5.5在发布设置中有这个选项。
Checking the Detect Flash Version checkbox (under File > Publish Settings > HTML) in the Flash 8 IDE.
在flash8 IDE中勾上检测flash版本的多选框(在文件>发布设置>HTML)。
Multiple profile support (publish Settings, cloud configuration and build configuration will all be stored in MSBuild files).
Publishing improvements (developers can use a publish Settings file rather than having to connect to the Windows Azure portal).
发布过程的改进(Publishing improvements)(开发者可以使用发布设置文件,而无须连接到WindowsAzure门户)。
Now, still within global settings, publish your rules by completing the following steps
As long as you don't use a password when protecting the spreadsheet, you can publish or copy the spreadsheet to the spreadsheet component and all the protection Settings will be preserved.
The first three steps can all be managed within only one save command depending on the preferences settings for the publish and part creation behavior .
Publish the information intended to be made public by you, under the conditions specified in your privacy Settings.
Publish the information intended to be made public by you, under the conditions specified in your privacy Settings.