Each item has a published date, title, and a further array.
Finally, if this is an Atom feed, you'll request the published date instead.
This include book name, author, ISBN, published date and synopsis of the book.
This includes book name, author, ISBN, published date and synopsis of the book.
Each item contains a title, link, description, published date, and a unique identifier.
The information include author name, price, book's published date, ISBN and synopsis.
The only tricky part is that the published date of the article is turned into a long and used as an ID.
It also shows the author name, format (hardback, paperback), extract, synopsis, ISBN, size, published date, price and publisher.
Entries and objects will set their published date to the current date (using the PHP time function) by default. Listing 6 shows the base class for entries.
The dictionary is out of date: many words have been added to the language since it was published.
It is a few hours old, so if any information is out of date, blame me for the delay in getting it published.
He preached and published enough to eventually lead thousands of followers (known as Millerites) who decided that the actual date was April 23, 1843.
In a previous book in the series, "Coast of Dreams: California on the Edge, 1990-2003", published in 2004, Mr Starr has already come almost up to date and begun his take on the Schwarzenegger era.
在他早期著作2004年出版的“海岸梦:1990- 2003的边缘加州”中,斯达尔先生已经有了前瞻性,并且他的观点已经在施瓦辛格的时代实现。
This is hard-won knowledge in an area where city maps are out of date as soon as they are published and addresses are approximate.
The Isaacson book was supposed to be published on November 21st by Simon &Schuster, but now the release date has moved upto October 24th, according to a spokeswoman for the publisher.
Private roadmap: the published roadmap is a year out of date. You have to contact Google to see the private one.
The controls provide good flexibility: You can set a blog entry to be published immediately or on a future date or save it as a draft.
The initial estimate of GDP in the first quarter will be published on April 23rd, close to the most likely election date, May 6th.
Some 20 million of his books, the first of which was published in Britain as the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, have been sold to date in Europe alone.
到目前为止,他写的一些书仅在欧洲就已经销售了2000万册,首当其冲的就是在英国出版发行的《龙纹身的女孩》(the Girlwith theDragon Tattoo)。
Each X.509 certificate published by the primary server has an expiration date.
由主服务器发布的每个X . 509证书都有一个有效期。
So here is a list of those published by staff at The Economist Group, and by freelance writers, during 2006. The list will be kept up to date here (which also has details of all staff books in print).
It risks looking out of date before it is even published.
He has published 18 books to date.
Egypt last week proposed February 22 as the date for the start of a dialogue between Palestinian groups, several of the groups said in reports published on Tuesday.
Egypt last week proposed February 22 as the date for the start of a dialogue between Palestinian groups, several of the groups said in reports published on Tuesday.