Only four of the remaining 42 permitted smoking indoors, while the rest allowed patients or staff to puff away somewhere outdoors on hospital property.
The 27-foot-long silver trailer does not come with any seats, but has counters equipped with ashtrays and room enough for around 20 smokers to puff away to their heart's content.
Basking in the glow of the bright supergiant star Rigel, the Witch Head Nebula trails like a puff of smoke through the Eridanus constellation about 700 light years away.
Whenever I take my pipe and stuff it and smoked, to pass the time away, my thoughts as I sit there and puff it, dwell on a picture sad and gray that teaches me that very like am I myself unto my pipe.
The foam was so light that they could puff it out of their hands and watch it float away.
So you pick it up and the puff is free--it is a cigar butt stock. You get one free puff on it and then you throw it away and try another one. It is not elegant.
He gives me the slip, like a puff of ash flung away.
He gives me the slip, like a puff of ash flung away.