The issue was put to the vote.
The Chairman must put the final substantive motion to the vote.
MANY argue that IMF vote-shares (and the amounts countries are required to put into the fund's kitty) should reflect countries' relative economic heft.
Last week, Reid whistled through the Senate, by voice vote, a bill to put us on that escalator.
The singer is reported to have angered fans soon after she began in her role as guest judge, by going against the crowd and refusing to put through a singer called Katie when she had the casting vote.
To put the vote on the ballot the traditional way, Mr Brown needs a supermajority (two-thirds) in the legislature.
Their resolution to change the rules, put forward earlier this month, could, they contend, be approved by a simple majority vote.
So they put it to the people of Austin in an online vote - and so far, their overwhelming choice seems to be "the Fred Durst Society of the Humanities and Arts."
On May 31st, the Republicans who control the House of Representatives put an unconditional increase in the ceiling to a vote simply so that they could reject it.
Don't put 'subscribe' and 'vote me' links all over the front page until you have people that like your blog enough to ignore them (they're usually just in the way).
The French and German leaders are expected to meet on Wednesday with officials from the International Monetary Fund and Greece to discuss the Athens' decision to put the European debt deal to a vote.
Why not put BOTH versions on digital disks and let the viewer (or audience) vote which version they want to see?
Unanimity requires all the eligible voters to be in favour of a proposed change in order to shift from the starting position, whatever that may be, and only one opposed vote to stay put.
It's our money, put it to the vote.
And since paid sick leave won where it was on the ballot last November, let's put it to a vote right here in Washington.
The letter requires people who can vote in the UK elections to put their names on it.
After the second austerity vote was passed in Greece, market fears about a possible default have been put to bed for now.
Simply put, most of the parts of American society that have tended to vote Republican are shrinking in size.
Your proxy will also be entitled to vote at his discretion on any resolution properly put to the meeting other than that referred to in the notice convening the meeting.
Let's put this question to the vote.
A poll released in January put Mr Museveni at 51% of the vote, exactly what he needs to avoid a runoff.
The panel is now faced with the task of whittling down the longlist of 40 to four designs that will be put to a public vote in a binding referendum in November or December.
Thee panel is now faced with the task of whittling down the longlist of 40 to four designs that will be put to a public vote in a binding referendum in November or December.
小组现在面临着将这40幅设计稿精简为4幅的任务,选出的4款设计将在11月份或12月份接受公投,公投结果具有约束力。 。
Thee panel is now faced with the task of whittling down the longlist of 40 to four designs that will be put to a public vote in a binding referendum in November or December.
小组现在面临着将这40幅设计稿精简为4幅的任务,选出的4款设计将在11月份或12月份接受公投,公投结果具有约束力。 。