The interrelation between traditional quantum field theory and composite quantized field theory is investigated.
However, the theory ignores the interaction between the electron and a quantized electromagnetic field.
We study the nonclassical electronic wave packet in quantized electromagnetic Field.
The photic field in the plane divisional uniform absorbing and dispersive dielectrics is quantized by the canonical quantum theory and the classical Greens function of the system.
In modern quantum field theory a classical field is quantized and particles arise as a result.
The seepage parameters of rock mass are quantized form of permeability, and also are the basis to solve seepage field of continuous medium.
The influence of atomic internal state population on its translational motion in a quantized standing wave cavity field with spatial periodic structure is investigated.
基于原子作双光子共振跃迁的原子场缀饰态 ,讨论了驻波腔场中两能级原子的量子化平移运动与原子内态布居间的相互影响。
And it is also dealt with quantized potential trough in limited depth of weak magnetic field, compared with the result of experiment.
In Einstein's opinion, the electromagnetic field energy itself is quantized, the radiation field is not continuous, but composed of discrete can quantum.
In Einstein's opinion, the electromagnetic field energy itself is quantized, the radiation field is not continuous, but composed of discrete can quantum.