The Bank's quarterly Inflation Report, published tomorrow, will give some clues to how significant these differences are, and what they might means for the future path interest rates.
Inflation is likely to rise further in the coming months, to 4.5% or even higher, according to the bank's quarterly Inflation Report, published a day later.
Hold a monthly or quarterly strategy meeting to report on the progress toward achieving the goal.
The Bank of England's quarterly inflation report projected a robust recovery for Britain's economy, with growth approaching 4% by the end of next year.
During a sepulchral press conference to launch the Bank of England's quarterly inflation report, the governor made it clear that he was losing no sleep over the rise in asset prices.
But as the bank admitted in its latest quarterly inflation report, it does not now expect to bring inflation back to its central 4.5% target by the end of 2011.
Today's managers are victims of the tyranny of the quarterly earnings report.
Three months after disconnecting the machine, Koch filed a quarterly report with Texas regulators, while concealing that it had violated the emission rules.
That includes mandatory quarterly reporting — listed companies now have to report earnings only twice a year — and a ban on share trading by company insiders ahead of results announcements.
The quarterly GDP report also makes it clear that consumer spending, which rose slightly in the first quarter, dropped again in the second, by 1.2%.
The Bank of England doused much of the rekindled optimism about economic prospects when it presented its quarterly Inflation Report on May 13th.
Akamai just released its quarterly State of the Internet report, which includes a look at broadband speeds across the country and the world.
This is where you need to look at what you want to include in the report, i.e. 1 month, quarterly, YTD or Budget and Actual Information.
The 14th annual "City crime Rankings: crime in Metropolitan America" was published by CQ Press, a unit of Congressional Quarterly Inc. It is based on the FBI's Sept. 24 crime statistics report.
第十四次“美国大城市犯罪概况:城市犯罪年度排行榜”由国会季刊公司的分属机构CQ Press发表,该排行主要根据美国联邦调查局9月24日公布的犯罪数据报告编撰而成。
The 14 thannual “City Crime Rankings:Crimein Metropolitan America”was published by CQ Press,a unit of Congressional Quarterly Inc.It is based on the FBI's Sept.24 crimestatistics report.
The 14 thannual “City Crime Rankings:Crimein Metropolitan America”was published by CQ Press, a unit of Congressional Quarterly Inc. It is based on the FBI's Sept.24 crimestatistics report.
The small print can make for gripping reading. Consider this inconspicuous gem from the latest quarterly report of Magyar Telekom, Hungary's largest telecoms company.
In his quarterly inflation report, the head of the bank of England, Mervyn King, revised the bank's previous outlook prediction.
Analysts predicted that it would report its first ever quarterly loss on January 23rd.
The increase in the number of people planning to save more ends two straight quarterly decreases, the report said.
So far this year ships have been boarded in 78 cases and 31 vessels have been hijacked, with 561 crew taken hostage, 19 injured and 6 killed, the bureau said in its quarterly report.
Since PC prices dropped so quickly, analysts now expect Dell and H-P to announce slimmer PC profit margins when they report quarterly results later this month.
Starbucks Corp. and eBay Inc. are among companies scheduled to report quarterly results after U.S. exchanges close today.
Berkshire is due to report full quarterly results next week.
Apple this year plans to open 40 to 50 stores worldwide, with more than half of them outside the United States, the company said in its quarterly earnings report.
The quarterly earnings season got under way for big oil companies, in which most are expected to report much reduced profits because of falling oil prices and weaker demand.
On August 17th Japan is expected to report its first increase in quarterly GDP in five quarters.
The economic slowdown is still hurting the global handset market, research firm Gartner Inc. said in its quarterly report on the industry.
The economic slowdown is still hurting the global handset market, research firm Gartner Inc. said in its quarterly report on the industry.