Queen Marie Antoinette is still much maligned over this quote - and she never even said it!
Among the first works to go online are a pamphlet about French Queen Marie Antoinette and Spanish inventor Narciso Monturiol's 1858 plans for one of the world's first submarines.
To the crowd flocking to see the play "Marie-Antoinette, " the consensus is that the queen was a victim of her surroundings, even if she spent a bit too much on her attire.
即使玛丽王后在生活上挥霍无度,她仍然是一个受害者,被她特殊的身份和环境所害。 一位年轻观众表示:“她在服装、珠宝的花费上确实显得有些奢侈,但她悲惨的结局却更让我同情。”
Queen Marie Antoinette of France was the wife of Louis the 16th.
Queen Marie Antoinette of France was the wife of Louis the 16th.