Query by criteria: Query the database by creating a criteria object and setting its properties.
Query by criteria:通过创建criteria对象查询数据库。
When you develop a business process client program, you often need to query process instances, activities, and tasks within a certain process instance by certain business data criteria.
It's important to note that if invoked without any criteria, the query in listing 6 will return all approved and valid listings, ordered by date.
By doing so, the client is already assuming that the endpoint must be determined at runtime (late binding) and can include their subscription level in the criteria of the UDDI query.
Or the query string in a request URI includes a set of parameters that defines the search criteria used by the server to find a set of matching resources.
Implicitly, the OODBMS has recognized that the query is constrained explicitly by the subtype Employee, and has only selected those objects that fit that criteria for return.
The KDE Trader, a facility provided by the KDE libraries, offers a way to query the installed service files to find which services match the criteria given by the application.
Query by example: Query the database by creating a sample object of the type you want to retrieve and setting its properties to specify selection criteria.
Query byexample:通过创建一个你想要遍历类型的对象,设置它的属性来指定某个criteria来查询数据库。
Create indexes over the fields in data stores that are frequently referenced by query criteria.
You can make dramatic improvements in the speed of a query by indexing fields that are on both sides of joins, and fields that are used to set criteria for the query.
You can modify any query by adding criteria to focus on a product area, an iteration, or another field that is defined for the types of work items that you want to find.
If you enter an SQL statement, but then make further changes to the query by changing the Diagram and Criteria panes, the query and View Designer rebuilds and redisplays the SQL statement.
Modify the SQL statement created by the Query and View Designer based on Settings you make in the Diagram and Criteria panes.
Modify the SQL statement created by the Query and View Designer based on Settings you make in the Diagram and Criteria panes.