A quick-break power failure protection for static RAM is described.
The protective schemes of traction electric system should be reasonable, normal and accurate, which should satisfy the requirements of quick-break, reliability, selectivity, and sensitivity.
Stop for a quick break if and hop back into it.
Moving to the entrance of the underground river, I took a quick break and embraced the cold air and mists encircling me.
There was a look of disbelief and a very quick answer: "no, he and I decided at break that he would move to Seattle in two months to implement our growth strategy in the northwest".
But these chopping tools are marvellous and quick at getting the meat off the bone and then, with one sharp blow, I could break the bone and we'd be able to get to the marrow.
The right approach: Break the habit of using email as your default mode of communication, as many conversations are better suited for quick phone calls or in-person discussions.
Take a quick break during the day to work the triceps, chest muscles and back.
Since when can you take a break from a lecture for a bong rip and a quick nap with your cuddly cat?
Take a quick look at our example chart-generating URL in Listing 3, and then we'll break it down and explain its component parts.
The best we can hope for is a break and maybe a quick barbecue, "a Victorian Rural Fire Service spokeswoman told Reuters on Thursday." we.
As the quick break is the key to scoring, don't hold the ball up but try to get the ball to the forwards quickly so they can work in any space there may be before the opposition can get back.
Then we could take a quick snack break, and keep right on playing.
I was making good progress, but then I was feeling thirsty, so I decide to take a quick break, which is the subject of our next lesson.
The screening machines can be equipped with quick-release screen and lid tensioners for use in continuously operating production lines to eliminate long production break downs due to screen changing.
It is difficult to break the five quick myth, let the past five dorsal root difficult to say a thing of the past.
I was making good progress but I'm feeling thirsty, so I decide to take a quick break.
In order to avoid immense loss for optical cable break, a quick fault detection and optical path automatic switching system is designed and realized.
If you need a quick word break, link letters fast in Action mode.
The additional Quick Play arena provides the perfect brain break for those looking for a quick snack.
Whether you are there for a specific festival or just catching a quick break, London always has something for everyone.
I'm having a quick coffee break.
You can pause your online class or open a new TAB for a quick break, reading about whatever it is that interests you or looking at stupid 'funny pictures' websites.
After 35 minutes, take a break for 10 minutes and then start the hour-long process over again, beginning with the 15 minutes of quick actions.
The right approach: Break the habit of using email as your default mode of communication, as many conversations are better suited for quick phone calls or in-person discussions. The benefit?
Smoothies : Quick break the ice , making all kinds of tasty smoothies.
Other Advantage: Quick start, no frequent flash, hard to break when crash.
The right approach: Break the habit of using email as your default mode of communication, as many conversations are better suited for quick phone calls or in-person discussions. The benefit?
The right approach: Break the habit of using email as your default mode of communication, as many conversations are better suited for quick phone calls or in-person discussions. The benefit?