By maintaining the same port density per rack unit, customers can speed up networks without redesigning the architecture.
It's always been "1u" (meaning one "rack unit" of 1.75 "in height and roughly pizza-box shaped — although the pizza box has become longer in recent years)."
The compact unit USES only one rack unit of space, while delivering a variety of video inputs for monitoring computers, digital video recorders analog cameras, and consumer electronics.
The follow-up unit is the essential structure of the rack section of modal analysis test suspension system, its rigidity and intensity directly influence overall performance of system.
The new unit is mainly made up of adjusting base, leading screw, diagonal rack and special spanner.
All T6000, T7800 and T8000 Rack kits utilize a 10 unit manifold described in the above manifold kits.
Each model is packed into a convenient, two rack space unit with identical functional layout.
All T6000, T7800 and T8000 Rack Kits utilize a 10 unit manifold and include additional hardware to permit installation in a standard 19 "Rack."
The new unit uses the pitman reserse mechanism instead of the crosshead slide reverse rack, adopts weight balancing instead of air balancing, and is provided with an improved guiding system.
Based on the characteristics of pump assembly, the influences of hydraulic resistance of trash rack and feculence on pump unit operation are investigated.
Assuming the use in experimental fields and in combination with system components, the unit has a case size which complies with the rack specifications of EIA and JIS.
The force conditions of the chain on a chain drive pumping unit without reverse rack are much more favorable than that on conventional chain drive pumping units, and can be well controlled.
The display with LED video louver window mode consists of computer system, frame controller, receiving board, scanning board, LED displaying unit, supporting rack, power source and lines;
The author presents some considerations on pipe rack, structure and transfer line of large scale crude atmospheric and vacuum distillation unit.
The system consists mainly of transmission components, materials unit automatic film parts, industrial computer systems, sensing detection system and the rack components and so on.
Tilted long ring rack pumping unit is a first invention in the world, which is competitive in energy-consumption, efficiency, land-space coverage and convenience.
The unit is housed in a compact 19-inch rack-mount chassis.
The unit can be panel or 19 "rack mounted or fully integrated into wall mounting or floor standing enclosure."
The unit can be panel or 19 "rack mounted or fully integrated into wall mounting or floor standing enclosure."