The main factors of radiation hazards in uranium mines are radioactive dust, radon and its daughters.
"The point is to prevent radioactive dust from entering the lungs and the digestive tract," said Gourmelon.
And air movement must be minimized to avoid stirring up and resurrecting the bane of shelter workers, radioactive dust.
Yes. I am. They said the radioactive dust from the exploded nuclear reactors in Japan would be blown to the States soon.
The students think that this is a routine exercise, escape and hide into the school in the basketball coach of radioactive dust.
After reactor no. 4 exploded at Chernobyl in 1986 due to errors in both design and operation it sent plumes of radioactive dust as far away as Japan and the U.S..
The Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident in the Soviet Union sent radioactive dust particles hundreds and even thousands of kilometers away, with health effects occurring close in.
Its purpose is not to shield radioactive emissions but to prevent the release of radioactive dust and other materials, and to keep out rainwater, which could carry contaminants into the water table.
This paper analyses characteristics of radioactive dust, and suggests taking air radionuclide controlled concentration in nuclear weapons nuclear accident as the goal of ventilation purification.
As radon progeny decay, they emit radioactive alpha particles and attach to aerosols, dust and other particles in the air.
To help keep radioactive matter from leaking, a dust - suppression system inside relies on sprinklers that periodically spray a watery solution to prevent it from becoming airborne.
There shall be no harmful gas, soot, dust, radioactive substances or other diffusible sources of pollution around the enterprise.
The vapor settles as dust, which is not only poisonous, but also radioactive.
The vapor settles as dust, which is not only poisonous, but also radioactive.