New FET-input amplifiers, like the AD820 family of amplifiers, incorporate design improvements that prevent output voltage phase reversal for signals within the rated supply voltage range.
The rating of a synchronous condenser is the magnitude of reactive power that the unit can supply continuously at rated voltage.
Before switching on, make sure that supply voltage is consistent with rated voltage.
Whether or not check the supply voltage and rated voltage line can not be above or below 10% of rated voltage on the use of power.
Supply voltage should be controlled at not more than or less than 5% of rated voltage range, if the voltage too high or too low will damage motor.
At rated control supply voltage less than 35% under-voltage should prevent breaker from closing.
Supply voltage should be controlled at not greater than or less than the rated voltage range of 5%, if the voltage too high or too low will damage motor.
The symbol for nature of supply shall be placed next to the marking for rated voltage.
At low output voltage, the majority of the rated power of traditional adjustable linear power supply is wasted in the internal power supply and the conversion efficiency is low with huge volume.
The Auto voltage Regulator conveys stable power supply of rated voltage for the Automatic wafer Baking Machine to produce high-quality wafers.
If the efficiency of servo amplifier is considered, it is practicable that the power supply voltage is about 3 times as large as the servo amplifier output voltage corresponding to rated current.
The power supply efficiency shall be greater than65% under rated input voltage. It will be measured at the typical load and maximum load.
Rated voltage of the electromagnetic brake is 205V(DC). Supply voltage of the rectifier si 220v(AC).
Rated voltage of the electromagnetic brake is 205V(DC). Supply voltage of the rectifier si 220v(AC).