Research condition of raw lacquer chemistry in our country was reviewed.
The people of our country have been planting lacquer tree and using raw lacquer for almost 7000 years.
The effects of the different amounts of Pd C catalyst on the hydrogenation of raw lacquer were investigated.
The chemical components, microstructure and drying property of raw lacquer from three natural layers were investigated.
Raw lacquer film was etched by aqueous solution of NaOH so as to simulate the corroded raw lacquer film on ancient lacquerwares.
This paper will provide theoretical and experimental basis for the study and research on natural raw lacquer as function material.
The lacquerware material comes from the local natural raw lacquer which has been refined in the way by integrating traditional technique with modern scientific methods .
"Ba Qi", a kind of raw lacquer coming exclusively from the mountainous area of Enshi Prefecture, southwest of Hubei Province, has owned very good quality and fame for a long history.
"Ba Qi", a kind of raw lacquer coming exclusively from the mountainous area of Enshi Prefecture, southwest of Hubei Province, has owned very good quality and fame for a long history.