There are a number of alternative formulations of the reciprocity theorem.
The integral expressions for scattered fields including the second-order scattering terms are given based on the reciprocity theorem.
Expressions of the coupling length and the coupling area of an antenna to electromagnetic waves excitation are deduced with the reciprocity theorem.
On applying the diffraction theory and with the aid of the reciprocity theorem, an approximate formula for the radiation field of a slot cut in a metal sheet of finite size is derived.
The expressions of external and internal coupling were derived from the reciprocity theorem by analysing slot voltage distribution in this paper, which invoked magnetic current to slots.
其中包含了缝隙之间的内(外)部互耦以及介质的影响。 缝隙之间的内(外)部互耦是从缝隙的口径电压出发、将缝隙等效为磁流源、通过互易原理而获得。
The expressions of external and internal coupling were derived from the reciprocity theorem by analysing slot voltage distribution in this paper, which invoked magnetic current to slots.
其中包含了缝隙之间的内(外)部互耦以及介质的影响。 缝隙之间的内(外)部互耦是从缝隙的口径电压出发、将缝隙等效为磁流源、通过互易原理而获得。