Cyclic Redundancy Check, detects files that are corrupt or possibly infected by a virus.
The application of cyclical redundancy check in SCM multi computer communication system;
在因特网中 ,类似远程教学这样使用多址通讯的应用系统日益增加。
Checksum computes a 32-bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC) on the entire row image on the page.
Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) is of a side application in the digital communications technology.
The full name of CRC is Cyclic Redundancy Check, which is characterized by: Error ability, overhead small.
Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) values are computed for critical data structures, improving the odds of detection of data corruption.
In order to improve the communication of single-chip microcomputers, we designed an algorithm of CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check).
为了提高单片机之间的通信速度,设计了一种循环冗余码校验CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check)算法。
This paper presents the mathematical model and coding principle of cyclic redundancy check, and show the software implementation.
In this paper, it studies one of the error-check controls of the communications of computers network-Cyclic Redundancy check (CRC).
For its simple coding and low rate of error identification, the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) is widely used in digital communication system.
This paper puts forward three table-based software algorithms to create cyclic redundancy check(CRC) code, and analyses efficiency of the algorithms.
Layer2 frame cannot be processed by a receiver until all bits have been received by the receiver and a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) has been performed.
A Layer 2 frame cannot be processed by a receiver until all bits have been received by the receiver and a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) has been performed.
Embodiments of the invention are generally directed to systems, methods, and apparatuses for improving latency by offsetting cyclic redundancy check lanes from data.
For the rate reduction induced by using cyclic redundancy check (CRC) in coded cooperation, an improved threshold selection relaying scheme is proposed for coded cooperation.
In the software part, the working flow of the system is introduced first. And then the two key technologies, Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) method and Anti-Collision method are presented.
The system can be joined in two different can at the same time. In order to improve communication dependability, the system adopts the redundancy check of CRC in systematic communication.
Then you (developer) and a testing team conduct tests based on the analyzers to check for workflow, redundancy, and performance.
Then you and a testing team test the results from the analyzers with Rational tester tools to check for workflow, redundancy, and performance.
A cyclic code with minimum redundancy used to check errors in a set of characters.
Repeat the same process for a control channel adapter for redundancy, but do not select the Access External Network check box.
对于冗余控制通道适配器,重复相同的过程,但是不选中AccessExternalNet work复选框。
Lost power supply redundancy. Check PSU cables.
丢失电源设备冗余。请检查PS U电缆。
When the redundancy of the gyroscopes can not meet the condition of consistency check, fault isolation of the gyroscopes can not be realized only by hardware redundancy.
Please check the redundancy severely during the handover process;
Please check the redundancy severely during the handover process;