Daddy helps me slowly reel in the fish.
In the following example, a reel is composed by picture and sound.
The camera travels lovingly over her body, and you know she's going to get killed in the next reel.
The order is saved in XML format in this file; each picture and sound reel is identified by its UUID.
Although a great recruiter "can get an A-player on the hook," you're the one who will need to reel that candidate in.
The film can therefore be manufactured continuously in a reel-to-reel process a bit like printing.
It's unfair and selfish to regret a decision when times are lean, but to reel in the profits in good times.
Brazilian managers reel off the names of highly leveraged buy-outs that have tanked in the West.
But he expressed concern about the prospect of continued inflation in asset prices next year because of the massive stimulus, which he said could prove hard to reel back in.
Ingebretsen's son, Robby, found the movie in the form of an 8mm reel of tape while rummaging around in his family's archives.
The brand's marketing team chose NCAA sports as a venue for its advertising and created a "highlight reel" of collegiate stars involved in charities meant to help the needy.
别克的营销团队将“美国大学篮球联赛”(NCAA)作为广告阵地,并创作了一段大学篮球明星的“精彩镜头集锦”。 片中,明星们倾情参与了各种旨在帮助贫困人群的慈善活动。
The father helped his son reel in his first fish, and it was a beauty.
Reel China: Will it play in Peoria and Shanghai?
But I'll never go into the wilderness, skewer a worm on a hook, reel in a fish.
Emerging markets and their Banks also face problems as Western Banks reel in loans, Citigroup Inc. said in a report last week.
花旗集团(Citigroup Inc .)在上周的一份报告中说,由于欧美银行收紧贷款,新兴市场及其银行也面临问题。
James scored 43 for the Blue Team, which beat Gay's White Team, 158-151 in a game that featured highlight-reel dunks and 3-pointers taken from just inside halfcourt.
詹姆斯在与鲁迪盖带领的白队比赛中,为蓝队赢得了43分。 在158比151比赛时,最精彩的就是仅在半场赛时,他以旋转扣篮直接获得3分。
He's driven this way five times already, watching the same Banks and donut shops and car washes fly past in a never-ending reel.
Read about some of these efforts here: " Texas Pioneers Energy Storage in Giant Battery" and " Frozen Fish Help Reel in Germany's Wind Power"
Here, let's install fish, reel it in, and try just some of its many features.
Collector Morace Park bought the film reel in 2009 because he liked the look of the tin.
I had to reel in quickly to keep the slack out of my line.
Pull back on your phone to hook a fish and fight it as you reel in your catch.
Pull back on your phone to hook a fish and fight it as you reel in your catch.