Study of seismic reliability estimation on urban water supply network;
Software reliability Models are often used in software reliability estimation.
Software reliability estimation is one of the important problems in software reliability investigation.
The reliability estimation of steel columns axially loaded compression members) and bended members are discussed by minimization method.
Application shows that the approach is simple, practical, and also is references for the software reliability estimation in other domains.
The reliability estimation for a software product mainly depends on the research of the software reliability model and its parameter estimator.
Our analysis suggests that if a change-point exists in a testing process, it should be considered in creating a software reliability estimation model.
The efficiency of software reliability testing and the accuracy of reliability estimation are improved by the research of software reliability measurement.
Structural reliability estimation and structural residual service life predication are some of the urgent problems need to be solved in the engineering field.
An introduction about the reliability estimation and environment test of the self-developed language machine and the multi-media computer aided teaching system.
According to the components pattern importance in subsystems, reliability estimation models of subsystems, parallel systems and the total system are constructed.
Compared with the conventional reliability estimation method, which neglects the existence of fuzzy failure areas, the method proposed in this paper provides a...
Optimizing the software components reliability, not only need to maximize the reliability of the estimates, but also need to minimize reliability estimation variance and testing costs.
Fatigue reliability interference model is established based on fuzzy cumulative damage of components, then general formula and simulation methods of fuzzy reliability estimation are derived.
These practices have hopefully improved software quality and reliability, but they have not made estimation any easier.
This paper proposes a new estimating method which, for the first time. introduces reliability analysis into the life estimation of railway rails.
Illustrated with examples, it has reference value for the field life data analysis and reliability evaluation, illustrating several estimation methods concerning reliability function of deleted data.
A general framework of reliability cost estimation and optimization is given, which puts the problem of reliability cost into the field of cost-benefit analysis.
The proposed algorithm can realize exact estimation of the rotor position with certain robustness and reliability and can directly replace the sensor of position.
The noise components estimation of semiconductors is the precondition of reliability screening of semiconductor devices using noise measurement.
Based on the moment estimation of limit state function for calculation of failure probability, a new reliability sensitivity analysis method is presented.
The R2 of 0.87 indicates the strong explanation power of our model and the high reliability of our forthcoming estimation for residential land price in other cities which is based on this model.
In order to estimate the reliability of surface area measurement, interval estimation must be given together with point estimation.
The key point of solving this problem is to give an estimation procedure to set up the relationship between aseismic structural investment and its reliability.
For the case of the reliability statistical test which is a small sample, this paper presents disadvantages of point and interval estimation of classical reliability.
For dynamic reliability analysis of stochastic structures under non-stationary random excitation, a new dynamic reliability assessment method is presented based on the point estimation.
For dynamic reliability analysis of stochastic structures under non-stationary random excitation, a new dynamic reliability assessment method is presented based on the point estimation.