An engineering sample with intelligent data collection control series modules to support field bus and remote control of railway signal system is introduced.
It is integrated with data collection, communication, state control of facilities and data management, remote supervise and control is realized, good economic benefits is obtained.
It is not necessary to add any hardware circuits that the IBM PC series microcomputer can be used to realize remote-control and data collection for a single instrument.
This system consists of two main parts, which are remote control center and mud-logging data collection part.
So as to realize the data transmission to the PC and through the CGI control specific leds, collection temperature or infrared signal analysis to PCS to realize remote monitoring.
Distributed intelligent door monitoring system realize remote control and data collection by RS-485 bus, the telephone network is used as transmission medium.
文章介绍的分布式智能门禁监控系统采用RS- 4 85总线技术,以程控电话网为媒介来进行远程的数据采集和设备控制。
Distributed intelligent door monitoring system realize remote control and data collection by RS-485 bus, the telephone network is used as transmission medium.
文章介绍的分布式智能门禁监控系统采用RS- 4 85总线技术,以程控电话网为媒介来进行远程的数据采集和设备控制。