First, you can rename columns online, while workload is running against the table, without any disruption to your users.
To work around this problem, after the sp_sidmap stored procedure is completed, rename the users who were affected in the sysusers table to their former names or contact your primary support provider.
要解决此问题,请在sp _ sidmap存储过程完成后,将sysusers表中受影响的用户重命名为它们原来的名称,或者与您的主要支持提供商联系。
Select each relationship to the product table in turn, and rename the product role to PRODUCT_CODE.
依次选择每个关系为PRODUCT表格,并为产品角色重新命名为PRODUCT _ CODE。
Use the RENAME statement to rename a column, table, or database on every participant in the replicate.
Rename table space container tsc3 back to tsc1.
The following example demonstrates how to rename a column using the ALTER table command while keeping the table fully accessible.
Rename table space container tsc1 to tsc3 and then try to query the STAFFTEMP table.
The RENAME command is used to create the shadow table, the data is reloaded into the EMPLOYEE table using the load FROM CURSOR command.
RENAME命令用于创建影子表,而数据是通过LOADFROM CURSOR命令重新装载到employee表中的。
Properties window to rename a table.
According to the EXCEL table Settings, batch file rename, sort, file the folder name into EXCEL worksheet.
It is not possible to rename a column, remove a column, or add or remove constraints from a table.
It is not possible to rename a column, remove a column, or add or remove constraints from a table.