The only way to close that door is to repent, asking the Lord to forgive you of the sin.
Confess considering divorce as sin and repent of any time you've expressed that to your spouse or even thought about it.
But we do agree that God calls sin sin because he wants to forgive the SINS of men and women who truly repent and trust in Christ.
Lord, help us as a nation to repent of the sin of abortion, and help us as your children to guard and celebrate the sanctity of life.
In the face of sin, Dimmesdale, after seven years 'self-punishment, finally comes to confess his sin and repent in the God's grace, hence attaining atonement in his death.
In the face of sin, Dimmesdale, after seven years 'self-punishment, finally comes to confess his sin and repent in the God's grace, hence attaining atonement in his death.