The system USES the new file to replace the original image file and the change is visible when the user accesses his Web site again.
At this time, you need to recompress the initrd file system to an image and replace the original one under the /boot directory.
此时,您需要将 initrd文件系统重新压缩到一个映像中,并替换 /boot 目录下的原有映像。
In the original persistence.xml file, it was necessary to replace the line with the contents of Listing 12.
在原始persistence . xml文件中,需要使用清单12中的内容替换这一行。
Using the XPath function replace, I take the original URL and replace the.xml extension with.html to create the new file name.
使用xpath函数replace,我获得原来的URL并用. html扩展名代替. xml作为新的文件名。
Saving a file under a new name does not replace the original.
Saving a file under a new name does not replace the original.